You make it possible for CBN's Operation Blessing (OB) to provide relief to victims of disaster here at home and all around the world. Your gifts enable teams to mobilize quickly to bring immediate relief: water, disaster supplies, food distribution, hygiene kits, debris removal, and more.

Whether it's a tornado that strikes without warning, a massive hurricane, earthquake, flood, or some other devastating event, natural disasters can strike anywhere at anytime. When they do, homes and businesses are destroyed and oftentimes lives are lost. Many victims are left feeling alone, wondering where to turn for help.

Because of caring people like you, Operation Blessing Disaster Relief teams stand ready to respond at a moment’s notice whenever and wherever a disaster strikes.

Disaster Relief

UPDATE: Tropical Storm Debby is expected to dump record-setting amounts of rain along coastal regions of Florida up through North Carolina.

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Please either click the PayPal  button to pay with PayPal or enter your card information. This information will remain private and will be stored internally as a record of your donation. You will be sent a letter for your tax records at the end of the year.
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Thank you for your generosity!

Thank you for your gift to Operation Blessing's Disaster Relief Fund. You are reaching out with hope to disaster victims during their time of need. Thank you for your compassion and generosity!

Sep. 11, 2024
ECFA accredited