Your Gift Will Continue Pat’s Legacy of Preaching the Gospel and Sharing Christ’s Love!

Pat Robertson has finished his race and kept the faith (1 Timothy 4:7). Now we need to ensure that the world-changing ministries he established continue to transform lives with the Gospel, humanitarian aid, and Christian education.

Specifically, your gift can expand the reach of CBN so that millions more can hear God’s Word in their own languages. You can provide food, clean water, medical care, and disaster relief to suffering people through Operation Blessing. And you can equip Christian men and women with leadership skills to change our nation and the world through Regent University.

Pat’s vision was to see the world transformed by the love of Jesus Christ. With your gift today, you can help fulfill that vision. Use the secure form below to select how you want to support these ministries. Thank you, and may God bless you for your generosity.

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Please choose one option for your monthly gift amount.

Christian Broadcasting Network 
Operation Blessing 
Regent University Pat Robertson Memorial Scholarship Fund 

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Please either click the PayPal  button to pay with PayPal or enter your card information. This information will remain private and will be stored internally as a record of your donation. You will be sent a letter for your tax records at the end of the year.
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ECFA accredited

This information will remain private and will be stored internally as a record of your donation. You will be sent a letter for your tax records at the end of the year.

If you would prefer to mail in your gift, please send to:

The Christian Broadcasting Network
977 Centerville Turnpike
Virginia Beach, VA 23463

Thank You! Your gift will make an eternal impact, !

An email confirmation with your donation information will be sent to you shortly.

I want to personally thank you for honoring my father's life and legacy. God will use your gift to bless others and bring the gospel to the world before the coming of our King, Jesus Christ.


Gordon Robertson

ECFA accredited
Pat Robertson Pat Robertson with children Pat and Dede Robertson Pat Robertson at Regent University

We are grateful for the opportunity to continue the work that Pat Robertson began and want to see the day when every person has the opportunity to experience the love of Christ. We are committed to honoring his legacy and value your partnership.
Please share your own thoughts and memories with us:

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This information will remain private and will be stored internally as a record of your donation. You will be sent a letter for your tax records at the end of the year.

If you would prefer to mail in your gift, please send to:

The Christian Broadcasting Network
977 Centerville Turnpike
Virginia Beach, VA 23463