Help provide support for people in need and share Jesus with the nations!

“Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” — Hebrews 13:16

Use this form to give your monthly gift to CBN Ministries. If you would like to give to your existing, specific designations such as Orphan's Promise, Operation Blessing, Superbook, or others, please call our partner representatives at 1-800-700-7000.

How much would you like to give toward your pledge?

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Your continued support of CBN allows us to focus on the most pressing needs. Your generosity is appreciated!

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Payment Information

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Card Number*
Exp. Date*
Please either click the PayPal  button to pay with PayPal or enter your card information. This information will remain private and will be stored internally as a record of your donation. You will be sent a letter for your tax records at the end of the year.
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This information will remain private and will is stored internally as a record of your donation. You will be sent letter for your tax records at the end of the year.

Thanks for donating toward your pledge, !

We are so grateful for your continued support of CBN and the impact you are making for the kingdom. Your support equips CBN to preach the gospel in 165 countries and territories, offer immediate relief in disaster zones, and share the hope and love of Christ to the world.

Jan. 26, 2025